I'm a mere formalist, I don't really much care about concepts or ideas because I don't feel comfortable living inside of abstractions. I like that which can be seen and felt at the same time without having to use the brain as a tool for interpretation. Please forgive me if I say that this society has lost its way. I like red and I like black. I like yellow and Alice in Wonderland.
I haven't been painting lately because my brain is full of shit. I need to unplug myself from my daily activities in order to be true to what I want to do. I would be cheating on myself if I were to start a new painting in this state of mind.
Soy un mero formalista. Realmente no me importan los conceptos o ideas porque no me siento cómodo viviendo dentro de abstracciones. Me gusta todo aquello que puede ser visto y sentido al mismo tiempo sin tener que usar el cerebro como herramienta de interpretación. Discúlpenme si digo que esta sociedad ha perdido su rumbo. Me gustan el rojo y el negro. Me gustan el amarillo y Alicia en el País de las Maravillas.
No estoy pintando porque tengo la cabeza contaminada con mucha mierda que me está costando desestimar. Necesito purgarme.